The member schools encourage the attendance of students, parents and interested
members of the community at all athletic events. We further encourage
their active support of these programs by participating in those activities
which lend themselves to stimulating student achievement, good sportsmanship, and
school spirit. These activities should be positive in nature and within
the guidelines of the Section XI Code of Conduct. It is not our intent to
reduce the involvement of spectators or the enjoyment of those who
participate. Rather, it is our goal to create an atmosphere which is
conducive to healthy athletic competition, is safe for those involved, and which
provides the ideals of sportsmanship and sound educational practices.
B. SPECTATOR CODE OF CONDUCT (Violators of this Code are subject to eviction
from the site.)
1. Spectators are an important part of the game and shall at all times conform
to accepted standards of good sportsmanship and behavior.
2. Spectators shall at all times respect officials, coaches and players and
extend all courtesies to them.
3. Wholesome cheering is encouraged.
4. Taunting, foul and abusive language, noisemakers, inflammatory remarks,
and disrespectful signs and behavior are not acceptable.
5. Faculty supervised pep bands are permitted during dead ball time.
However, spectator noise makers or sound devices are prohibited.
6. Spectators shall observe and obey the rules and regulations of the school
concerning smoking, vaping, food and soft drink consumption, and use of lavatory
facilities and parking of cars. rev 10/20
7. New York State law prohibits alcoholic beverages of any kind on school
property; the law further prohibits any person under the influence of alcohol to
be on school property.
8. Spectators shall respect and obey all school officials, supervisors, and
police at all athletic contests.
1. Use physical education classes, class meeting and any/all other means to
educate students as to what is expected of them.
2. Prior to each contest, make an announcement as to what is expected of all
those in attendance.
3. Encourage officials to penalize poor sportsmanship.
4. Visiting schools should provide supervision for away contests especially for
basketball, wrestling, football, and known rivalries in other sports.
5. All supervisors should wear identifying jackets.
6. All supervisors should be totally aware of what is expected of them, both
home and away.
7. School district representatives should be encouraged to communicate with each
other both before and after contests relative to the possible occurrence of a
problem, supervisory procedures and follow up in the case of an incident.
8. In basketball, wrestling, football, and known rivalries in other sports, an
administrator or supervisor from the host school shall be designated as the
person in charge and the name of this person shall be communicated to the
visiting school.
9. The Section XI Code of Conduct should be emphasized with every student in
every school. Furthermore, it should be posted and also publicized by way
of Board Reports, school newspaper, Curriculum Guide, Booster Clubs and other
public forums in the school district.
10. Section XI should publicize the Code of
Conduct by means of newspapers, local TV stations and other established
guidelines of communication. This should be done periodically.
Rev 10/8/13