I. Procedure for Establishing and/or Revising Policy
The Policy Committee shall review and prepare for presentation to the
conferences appropriate recommendations. Requests for policy changes shall
be in writing and received by the Section XI Executive Director no later than two weeks
prior to the Policy Committee meeting date. These recommendations shall be
presented and explained to the Policy Committee by a member of the committee or
group making the request. The Policy Committee's recommendation shall then
be voted upon by conferences and the Athletic Council.
II. Policy on Conflicts Between National Standardized Examinations and
Athletic Contests
(approved 5/25/89)
In 1989, the Policy Committee considered the matter of conflicts in the
scheduling of national standardized examinations and athletic contests and was
formulated by a committee consisting of a superintendent, a guidance counselor,
principals and athletic directors.
The degree of impact resulting from such conflict will vary from district to
district based upon such variables as size and nature of the athletic program,
the number of students involved in testing and athletics, participation in
Section XI tournament competition, and the amount of travel time involved to the site of the
Every effort should be made and all options exercised to minimize the conflict
which may be created when an athlete must take such standardized
examinations as the S.A.T., A.C.T., or P.S.A.T., and then compete in a scheduled
high school athletic event.
In the future every effort will be made to avoid scheduling a league or
non-league contest on the dates that are involved. Individual schools, in
their dealings with one another, should be most cooperative in rescheduling
contests when a conflict develops. If a conflict cannot be avoided, the
schools involved should make mutually agreed upon arrangements that would have
the least possible negative impact on the students involved (for example, a
later starting time).
In some instances the most viable option is for individual schools to make
alternative testing arrangements so as to avoid a conflict.
It should be understood that some solutions cause different problems. If a
Saturday afternoon contest is moved to an alternative time or date, it may
necessitate the early release of athletes or come in conflict with
individual district policies against playing on Sundays or in night time
contests. Furthermore, if athletic contests are scheduled in order to
avoid conflict with standardized testing, and then are postponed because of
weather, the original conflict may become unavoidable.
In conclusion, all districts should be aware of these possible conflicts and be
most cooperative with other districts in taking all necessary steps to avoid
same. At no time should an athlete be put in a position of having
to make a choice between taking an examination and participating in an athletic
contest. Nor should an athlete be encouraged not to take an
III. Non-Member Schools (Approved 1/10/07) - Non-member schools are excluded from participation in Section XI league competition beginning with the 2007-08 school year. (This includes Section XI crossover winter track meets.)
IV. Maximum Number of Contests (Approved 10/10/07) - If an individual or team exceeds the maximum number of contests permitted by Section XI, the penalty is team ineligibility from the date of violation for the rest of the season, including playoffs.
V. Power ranking - All Power Ranked sports will place 50% of teams (by classification) in the post season. Chairs may submit a waiver for a higher percentage; but must do so prior to the Placement recommendation period for their specific sport. (approved 5/2/22)