
To develop and recommend the annual budget for the operation of Section XI.

                                        GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   This shall be a standing committee of Section XI.
B.   The chairman of the Finance Committee shall be a superintendent appointed by the Section XI President with the approval of the Executive Board.
C.   The committee shall consist of the following personnel appointed by each conference:
      a) three superintendent representatives 
      b) one male representative
      c) one female representative
D.   The Executive Director shall serve in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.
E.   Committee members shall serve a two-year term as specified in the Bylaws,  Article VI,  Section 7.

                                        SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   The Committee shall prepare the annual budget in consultation with the Executive Director and the Treasurer.
B.   A sub-committee of the Finance Committee shall formulate the salary and benefit package of the Section XI Assistant Director and office staff.  Such costs will be incorporated in the operating budget presented for Conference/Council approval. (rev 12/7/07)
C.   The budget proposal shall be placed on the Conference/Council agenda on or before the last Athletic Council meeting of the year.




The purpose of the Mixed Competition Committee is to determine on an individual basis whether or not participation by a particular male student on a sport team organized for females in a district would "have a significant adverse effect upon the opportunity of females to participate successfully in interschool competition in that sport".

                                        GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   This committee shall be a continuing committee of Section XI.
B.   The chairman and members shall be appointed by the Section XI President.
C.   Members shall serve a one-year term at the discretion of the Section XI President.
D.   The Executive Director shall serve in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.

                                        SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   The committee will conduct hearings to consider requests submitted by member schools for particular male students to participate on sport teams organized for females.
B.   The committee will make a determination on each individual request based on the testimony and documentation provided.
C.   The committee will conduct ongoing evaluations of the students who are approved in order to ascertain that there are no demonstrative adverse effect by said students' participation.