
To consider the eligibility of transfer students and all extensions of eligibility for student athletes.

                                        GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   This shall be a continuing committee of Section XI.
B.   The Chairman shall be appointed by the Section XI President with the approval of the Executive Board.
C.   The Committee Chairman shall select principals, athletic directors and other representatives to the committee.  The Executive Director shall serve in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.
D.   Committee members shall serve at the discretion of the chairman of the Committee.  Meetings shall be scheduled prior to the beginning of each sports season and additional meetings shall be scheduled as required.

                                        SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES

The Committee will implement the procedures outlined in the Eligibility section of the Section XI Handbook.




To investigate grievances and/or violations of rules, regulations or policies when necessary, and make recommendations to the Athletic Council which may include censure or suspension of a school from competition.
                                        GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   This shall be a continuing committee of Section XI.
B.   The chairman and committee members shall be appointed by the Section XI President with the approval of the Executive Board.
C.   Committee members shall consist of superintendents, principals, male and female representatives.  The Executive Director shall serve in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.
D.   Members shall serve a one-year term at the discretion of the Section XI President.