
To consider all matters of appeal as specified under the Section XI Protest and Appeals Policy.

                                        GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   This shall be a continuing committee of Section XI.
B.   The chairman and committee members shall be appointed by the Section XI President with the approval of the Executive Board.
C.   The committee members will be appointed by the Section XI President and membership shall include representatives of schools not directly involved in the matter of each appeal.
D.   Committee members shall serve at the discretion of the Section XI President.
E.   The Executive Director shall serve in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.

                                        SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   The committee will conduct hearings in accordance with the Appeal Policy and Procedures.
B.   The committee will consider all issues relative to the appeal and make a determination to either deny or uphold the appeal.




To consider appeals for waiving compliance of the Section XI Austerity Policy.

                                        GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   This shall be a continuing committee of Section XI.
B.   The chairman and committee members shall be appointed by the Section XI President with the approval of the Executive Board.
C.   The committee members shall include superintendents and other male and female representatives.
D.   Members shall serve a one-year term at the discretion of the Section XI President.
E.   The Executive Director shall serve in an ex-officio non-voting capacity.
                                        SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES

A.   The committee will conduct hearings in accordance with the Austerity Appeal Policy and Procedures.
B.   The committee will consider all issues relative to the appeal and make a determination to either deny or uphold the appeal.